• I'm sorry, but you're still not providing enough information for me to give you an answer that might even remotely be what you are looking for.

    Let me give an example, and then you can tell me if that's what you need or further tell me why it's not what you need.

    SCD2 changes are used when a change to one or more items found in the dimension are so important in gathering the statistics that they are worth differenting from the previous value. THere is not an inherent correct answer in this; it depends on your business requirements.

    If I have a dimension tracking field offices, I will have information such as location, size, manager, and so on. Let's assume that the name of the city in which the store is in changes (unrealistic I know), that change should not affect anything about the officefrom my business perspective. If the manager were to change, however, that is important (to me). Using the SCD to make a new OFFICE entry with the new manager will be necessary. This entry will be exactly the same as the old office entry except for its table generated unique number and the manager value. All subsequent fact table entries regarding that office will be posted against the new office entry. This makes it easy to compare the performance of the store under different managers.

    There is no requirement that it be this way. In your business you may determine that a change of manager is not worth tracking, but the change of city name is worth tracking. This is a business decision.

    Does that help? If not, why not?