• The obvious issue with this sort of query is that you have to have a finite limit to the depth of recursion that can be displayed.

    You may be better of , making this a display issue and doing the work in the presentation layer.

    In any case , here's how you can handle this in SQL

    Create table PrtChild


    Id integer not null,

    PrtId integer null,

    Name varchar(20)



    insert into PrtChild values(1,null,'Dave')

    insert into PrtChild values(2,1,'Tom')

    insert into PrtChild values(3,1,'Dick')

    insert into PrtChild values(4,2,'Harry')


    with cteTree



    Select Id,PrtId,

    Name as Path1,

    cast(Null as varchar(255)) as Path2,

    cast(Null as varchar(255)) as Path3,

    cast(Null as varchar(255)) as Path4,

    cast(Null as varchar(255)) as Path5,

    0 as Level

    from PrtChild

    where PrtId is null

    union all

    Select Child.Id,



    case when Level+1 = 1 then Name else Path2 end,

    case when Level+1 = 2 then Name else Path3 end,

    case when Level+1 = 3 then Name else Path4 end,

    case when Level+1 = 4 then Name else Path5 end,


    from CteTree

    join PrtChild child

    on child.PrtId = CteTree.Id


    select * from cteTree

    Clear Sky SQL
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