• I am fairly certain that CTE will be faster...

    /*sql server 2008 CTE split and join fun*/

    /*split begins*/

    if object_id(N'tempdb..#split') is not null drop table #split;

    if object_id(N'tempdb..#joined') is not null drop table #joined;

    declare @fun varchar(64) = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs!';

    declare @delim char(1) = ' ';

    select @fun as [Fun];

    with split(i, token, remainder) as

    (select 1

    , left(@fun,charindex(@delim,@fun)-1)

    , LTRIM(right(@fun,len(@fun)-CHARINDEX(@delim,@fun)))

    union all

    select i + 1

    ,case when charindex(@delim,remainder) > 0 then


    else remainder end as token

    ,LTRIM(right(remainder,len(remainder)-CHARINDEX(' ',remainder))) as remainder

    from split

    where charindex(@delim,remainder) >= 0 and token != remainder


    select i, token, remainder

    into #split

    from split;

    select * from #split;

    /*join begins*/

    with joined (i, newfun, token) as (

    select i, convert(varchar(max),token), token

    from #split where i = 1

    union all

    select s.i, j.newfun + @delim + s.token, s.token

    from joined j

    inner join

    #split s

    on s.i = j.i + 1


    select *

    into #joined

    from joined;

    select * from #joined;