• jbon007 (1/27/2011)

    Hi all,

    i have this function which is not fully working. what it does is look at the date and work out our financial year. (financial year is from 1 april to 31 march)

    for example for financial year 2010-04-01 to 2010-03-01

    I would like to show

    2010/11 2010-04-01

    2010/11 2010-05-01





    2010/11 2011-01-01

    2010/11 2011-02-01

    2010/11 2011-03-01

    the function i use is this-

    ALTER function [dbo].[fFinYear] (@FM char(6))

    returns char(7)






    when substring(@FM,3,2)='99' then '/00'

    when substring(@FM,3,2)+1<10 then '/0'+rtrim(convert(varchar(2),substring(@FM,3,2)+1))

    else '/'+rtrim(convert(varchar(2),substring(@FM,3,2)+1))



    what this does is

    2010/11 2010-04-01

    2010/11 2010-05-01





    2011/12 2011-01-01

    2011/12 2011-02-01

    2011/12 2011-03-01

    I would like it to stay 2010/11 to end of march and once it reaches april then increase to 2011/12. I would be ever greatful if someone can help me on this?

    Parapharsing here, the new fiscal year (2011/12, now called 2012 for my purposes) start on 2011-04-01 an ends on 2012-03-31, correct?