• Yes, the correct shortnames for the months are listed in sys.syslanguages

    If you run this code, it should show you how, in SQL Server, all the languages format the current date using the date format code 113. You'll see that the shortmonthname is correctly inserted into the date if you use CONVERT. Is there a way of using DateName to get the correct short-date? I haven't discovered it!

    [font="Courier New"]DECLARE @TestEmOut NVARCHAR(MAX)

    CREATE TABLE #ShortMonthNames (NAME NVARCHAR(20), Alias NVARCHAR(30), Date NVARCHAR(30), ShortMonthNames NVARCHAR(255))

    SELECT @TestEmOut=''

    SELECT @TestEmOut= @TestemOut+'

    Set language N'''+name+'''

    insert into #shortMonthNames (Name, Alias, Date, ShortMonthNames)

    SELECT N'''+name+''',N'''+alias+''', CONVERT(nVARCHAR(80),GetDate(),113),

    (Select shortmonths from sys.syslanguages where name like N'''+NAME+''')'

    FROM sys.syslanguages


    SELECT * FROM #ShortMonthNames

    DROP TABLE #ShortMonthNames[/font]

    (Edited after David McKinney's help with setting the language to Brasilian portugese. Oops!)

    Best wishes,
    Phil Factor