• Keith Langmead (1/19/2011)

    I've seen lots of comments from people on here and elsewhere about the benefits of blogging, both in terms of focusing and improving your knowledge on certain subjects, and improving your writing skills.

    It seems like some people more than others manage to come up with a regular stream of ideas to write about, and without simply rehashing things already written elsewhere.

    I had the same problem trying to determine what I wanted to write some articles here on SSC on, Keith. I feel your pain. The end result: You're not going to be able to avoid the re-hash.

    What you CAN do, however, is add value to that re-hash... and give out any necessary credit if you lean heavily on any one work. Value could be rewording it in a way to reach a less experienced userbase. It could be further research done on a subject that exposes weaknesses in assumptions we use every day (working on one of these right now, actually, regarding index selectivity).

    There are giants who have walked these paths before us. They're well trod and pounded relatively flat. It's our job to pave them, now, and put the flowers along the sides.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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