• First, there is no good reason for an account belonging to a BI user, application, etc. to be a member of sysadmin or db_owner.

    Maybe not, but I see systems where this is the case all the time, and getting that changed can difficult at best. I actually interviewed at a position once where the manager stated right out front that ALL of his developer staff had sysadmin rights to ALL of the production boxes and he asked if I had a problem with that. I told him that was a recipe for disaster and his response was "Well that is the way it is here....". So, because of this I prefer SINGLE_USER mode just to be safe, and when the database is restoring no one can access it anyway. But for post restore maintenance I don't want anyone in the database, including other sysadmins. They can wait until I'm finiished and these maintenance operations are usually scheduled anyway so everyone knows ahead of time.:-D

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"