Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Administering Allocate memory to SELECT statement in sql server 2005 RE: Allocate memory to SELECT statement in sql server 2005

  • sqlbuddy123 (1/13/2011)

    You can't allocate memory at the individual query level.

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


    You are correct that there is no classifier for a t-sql DEFINITION of an adhoc query, but I COULD govern a specific query if it has properties that can be defined by a classifier function, such as a LOGIN_PROPERTY, SUSER_NAME, etc, and it was the ONLY query that ever used this classifier property. Then you could allocate memory for a specific query because the classifier property is used only by that query. Splitting hairs, I know, but still true. So you would create a specific login that was only used to run that one query.

    Cannot is too broad. There are often many ways to do things which "cannot" be done. 🙂

    "Those who say it cannot be done shouldn't interrupt the people doing it" --

    Ancient Chinese Proverb... supposedly 🙂

    Peter Trast
    Microsoft Certified ...(insert many literal strings here)
    Microsoft Design Architect with Alexander Open Systems