• Here is one way of doing it. Maybe there is also a nice way of doing it using recursive CTE:-)

    create table TimeTable (dt datetime)

    insert into TimeTable (dt) values ('20000101')

    declare @Interval int

    set @Interval = 15

    --In the loop I muliply the value of @interval each time, and then I use it

    --to add it to the value of dt column of all records in the table.

    while not exists (select * from TimeTable where dt >= '20291231 23:45:00')


    insert into TimeTable (dt)

    select DATEADD(mi,@Interval,dt)

    from TimeTable

    where DATEADD(mi,@Interval,dt) < '20300101'

    select @Interval = @Interval * 2



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