• I agree with the points being made in the previous posts, but I still think this was an excellent article. It was clear and concise, without being distracted by going into too much detail and allowing for the undefined location variable. It laid out the general sequence of the script and the objects and syntax to use to get started. We can all then lookup the finer switches to add more control.

    I understand that running Backups within the SQL Server GUI gives useful info, but that same info can also be collected by the script and logged to a simpler Stats or Monitoring DB. Having managed over 350 servers in one role, I believe that scripted processes are more controlable, predictable repeatable, testable and documentable, than GUI tools. I also know that I may put a solution in place, but I am rarely around to run and Support that process, so I also agree with Jeffery's point re Keep it Simple ...

    Thanks again for the great article, Jimmy.


