• Interesting post, Tim, and timely, just about the time that I was "debunked" and "called out" in a "game-on" fashion just today. I appreciate the reply, Jonathan, but 1) you still misunderstood what I was investigating, and 2) while you did a splendid job on your post about how the transaction log works - admittedly yourself no new information in your posting and readily accessible in BOL - you seemed to spend more effort to reinforce something that I did not write clearly about, even in my updated conclusion. Moreover, your tone and verbiage seemed to want to call out something to elevate yourself or belittle my intentions maybe more so than actually help others, or at least that is the perception that you leave.

    Let me provide an example of how I might add to a discussion in a positive and constructive way; if you peruse my blog on Forward Records located at: you will note that I choose to indicate additions to the writer’s post rather than demean or otherwise discredit. The likelihood of obtaining forwarded records from an ALTER statement would probably occur less frequently than my offering, however I do not choose to diminish his suggestion, but rather add to the discussion in a creative, positive, and beneficial manner to the reader.

    Back to my blog - I write for myself and no one else. If a reader chooses to read or not read my blog, that's great, and if not I can live with that. If I have misleading information, then it's certainly not done with malice. Most of us, save a Paul Randal type, haven't worked with the SQL engine directly up in Redmond, so we really don't know all that there is to know and cannot speak in terms of absolutes with regards to SQL Server in my opinion. I'm a consultant and I happen to jot down things that I observe based on the given constraints and variables at-hand; should these change, then a hypothesis or assumption may or may not change. And these notes just happen to end up on my blog. Again, no information ever put there is designated as a be-all, end-all conclusion. After all, I didn't write the SQL engine. No SQL Police here.

    That being said, I enjoy blogging and will continue such; I may or may not get everything always correct, and that is OK. Information therein is unedited as it resides itself in the unedited world of the internet. I always tend to write things down as if I am in a laboratory setting with a "results may vary" caveat to everyone who visits my blog. After all, I'm doing research, experimentation, and fun as I note on my "sigline". And, if I am able to help someone out along the way, then I'm grateful for this and appreciate the opportunity. Finally, most of what we all blog or write about is not new. Sure, there are new features that come out no doubt, but whether or not there is information (such as what I was posting about) “well known”, my inquisitive nature will always drive me to "find out for myself" as opposed to taking whatever I read as written word, regardless of whether it is widely-known, or even if there may be a de-facto expert among us.

    Thank you for correcting me where I was incorrect and unclear, and I look forward to reading great things from you on your blog the future.

    Best Regards,

    Lee Everest MS