• Ok here we go...

    You'll need to build a tally table. Jeff Moden has an excellent article about tally tables here[/url].

    After you have a tally table, create a test table with test data: (or just plug in your own table I suppose)

    select top 10000 identity(int,1,1) as id, Dog

    into DogTable



    select 'dogcatdogdogbirdape' as Dog

    union all

    select 'fishbirdnotadogoopsthatwasadog'

    union all

    select 'caninecanislupisdomesticus'


    cross join

    (select sc1.name from master.dbo.syscolumns sc1

    cross join

    master.dbo.syscolumns sc2

    ) y

    Now for the solution:

    select id, count(id)



    select d.id, d.dog, substring(d.dog, case when t.N > len(d.dog) then len(d.dog) else t.n end, 3) as test, n as foundindex

    from dogtable d

    cross join

    tally t

    where t.n < (select max(len(dog)) from dogtable)

    and substring(d.dog, case when t.N > len(d.dog) then len(d.dog) else t.n end, 3) = 'dog'


    group by id

    Run the inner view if you just want a list of indexes of the tested string.

    This could be easily turned into a table valued function, just read the length of your input string into the last parameter of substring