• The dev and test servers I use have copies of the production databases on separate servers, so when configuring connections the server name is different for each environment but the database name (initial catalog) is the same in every environment.

    If you have multiple dev, test, and prod servers for different application domains you can define more than one server as dev, test, or prod. My setup has evolved to use a table to define the roles for a large number of servers.

    CREATE VIEW [dbo].[SSIS_Config] AS

    SELECTConfigurationFilter, PackagePath, ConfiguredValueType, ConfiguredValue

    FROM dbo.SSIS_Config_base b

    JOIN (

    SELECT CurrentEnvironment = ISNULL( ( SELECT Environment FROM ServerEnvironment WHERE ServerName = HOST_NAME() ), 2 )

    ) e

    ON b.EnvironmentEnum = 0 OR b.EnvironmentEnum = e.CurrentEnvironment

    If you need more separation to isolate different groups of SSIS packages you could put the configuration for each domain in different servers and/or databases.