• I'm a big fan of making my own templates in the template explorer. Not many people in my office use them but they are a huge help getting you jump started when writing new code. Being a developer I only have templates for sprocs, tables, and functions, but I can see them being just as useful for other objects. One thing I wish they would contain is some sort of looping interface where for example I could have it prompt me for details regarding all of a new sproc's parameters. When writing the template I don't know how many params a given sproc may have but I know for each I'll need a name, data type, default (optional), input/output type (optional), and description for my header comment. It would be nice to say for a given sproc I have 10 parameters (or 10 grant statements, or whatever, just X number of something that fits a pattern), then have it automatically prompt me for this detail about each member. Maybe they'll provide such functionality in a later version.