Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 - General Clearing adhoc plans from the memory CACHESTORE will be useful for the data buffer memory RE: Clearing adhoc plans from the memory CACHESTORE will be useful for the data buffer memory

  • Hi Bhuvanesh,

    Thanks for attending the question. I do not have any memory pressure in my server as the server has 120GB ram. However I can see 60 GB allocated for adhoc and 6 GB for objects like procs, tirggers and function(i mean for obj).

    There is no need for going adhoc queries for almost all cases.So right now am doing the adhoc plans to prepared proc. Out of the box, my thoughts is that if i can free the space allocated for adhoc, would i be beneficial for the data caching? Or, Whats the memory relation with Data caching buffer pool and cache pool?