• peter-757102 (12/14/2010)

    The article states the following:

    First off, you need SQL Server Enterprise Edition or Developer Edition. None of the other editions of SQL Server 2005 or 2008 support partitioning. SQL Server 2000 and earlier do not support partitioning at all.

    This is not entirely correct, the devil is in the details!

    Partitioning is supported, I believe all the way back to SQL Server 2000, but it works in an entirely different way then the more advanced method of partitioning functions. Which are indeed only available in Developer and Enterprise versions.


    That is called a Partitioned View. Although it looks similar, it is different from Partitioned Tables.

    @Hugh, does the other parts of your article disucss what happens to the data and you move partions around? Or more importantly, how to avoid data movement? I think this is one area of Partioned Tables that really bites people who don't understand how/why Microsoft setup partioned tables like they did.