• Good Morning Steve,

    As a devout IPhone user for the past several years, I'm salivating whenver the IPad commercials are run during my primetime TV shows. I'm a business intelligence analyst by day and a freelance web application developer by moonlight.

    I would leverage the IPad to help me monitor databases and processes running on client systems, access client machines via remote control (where possible), and in general be more productive (while maintaining those boundaries you noted) whether I'm in town or travelling. You noted the use of ITap which would be my best friend in terms of remoting into my own server as well as clients' servers to spot check issues, diagnose problems that crop up, or just be able to develop while enjoying my favorite coffee drink at Starbuck's.

    As such, an IPad would help me be more responsive and thus more productive. How cool would it be to kick off an SSIS package via ITap while getting ready for the workday, so that the package could finish running before I arrive to the office? How cool would it be to take a customer call and remote into their server on the spot to see what issues they're having? That's what I call responsiveness and productivity.

    Merry Christmas,
