• Oleg Netchaev (12/9/2010)

    ... In other words, if create temp table part were moved out then the temp table would be visible to the exec batch and after, i.e.

    if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#tmp') is not null drop table #tmp;

    create table #tmp (id int);

    declare @sql varchar(2000);

    set @sql = 'insert into #tmp(id) values (1);';

    exec (@sql);

    select * from #tmp;

    results in





    Another way to get it to work is to put it all on the inside of the dynamic SQL like this:

    Declare @strSql varchar(2000);

    Set @strSql = '';

    Set @strSql = @strSql + 'Create table #tmp (id int);';

    Set @strSql = @strSql + 'Insert into #tmp(id) values (1);';

    Set @strSql = @strSql + 'Select * From #tmp;';

    Exec (@strSql);