• In corporate environments, for me, I wasn't allowed to enjoy much in the way of headphone music -- I was mostly a firefighter, and scolded when I ignored things...

    Now that I'm more independant, I LOVE to rock out to some classic Mellencamp or other 70's/80's rock (please check out John Mellencamp's next to latest release -- "Life, Death, Love and Freedom" It truly effected me and others he had no sway on!).

    Anyway, at this point, though I'm closed into a room in my house, I could get a call at any time (other than [mostly] this hour) and have to work with so many other people that music is generally not on the agenda.

    However, thanks to this post, and the lateness of the hour, I'm going to rock to LDLF once more. I truly can't get enough of that stuff.

    Sounds like a "bot" posting, but I promise you, I'm a long-time lurker/subscriber, that was just inspired to post, as I am once every few months.

    To add to this, there are some other great 70's/80's groups/songs out there that really get my blood flowing and get me "creating" code quickly. Mr. Mellencamp is just first on my list.