• I think the answer is wrong. "All of the above" should be correct.

    Let's look at the three first options.

    1. "Retrieves the name of stored procedures which consists the text 'order' in the definition."

    2. "Retrieves the name of view, rule, default, trigger, CHECK constraint, DEFAULT constraint, and stored procedures which consists the text 'order' in the comments."

    3. "Retrieves the name of view, rule, default, trigger, CHECK constraint, DEFAULT constraint, and stored procedures which consists of the text 'order' in the definition."

    Nowhere does it say "Only", like in "Only retrieves the name of stored procedures". That means that #1 is also correct. The same goes for #2 and #3. Both the definition and the comments can be retrieved from sys.syscomments view, and again, none of the answers excludes the other options by saying "Only comments" or "Only definition".

    The correct answer, in my opinion, should therefore be "All of the above"