• I have this snippets saved which might help; it's using a pair of loops table to strip out any comments , so you can then search just the remaining proc definition;

    declare @definition varchar(max),

    @objectname varchar(255),

    @vbCrLf CHAR(2)

    SET @vbCrLf = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)

    SET @objectname = 'sp_getDDL'

    select @definition = definition + 'GO' + @vbcrlf from sys.sql_modules where [object_id] = object_id(@objectname)

    --'objective: strip out comments.

    --first loop is going to look for pairs of '/*' and '*/', and STUFF them with empty space.

    --second loop is going to look for sets of '--' and vbCrLf and STUFF them with empty space.

    --===== Replace all '/*' and '*/' pairs with nothing

    WHILE CHARINDEX('/*',@definition) > 0

    SELECT @definition = STUFF(@definition,


    CHARINDEX('*/',@definition) - CHARINDEX('/*',@definition) + 2, --2 is the length of the search term


    --===== Replace all single line comments

    WHILE CHARINDEX('--',@definition) > 0

    AND CHARINDEX(@vbCrLf,@definition,CHARINDEX('--',@definition)) > CHARINDEX('--',@definition)

    SELECT @definition = STUFF(@definition,


    CHARINDEX(@vbCrLf,@definition,CHARINDEX('--',@definition)) - CHARINDEX('--',@definition) + 2,


    print @definition --you can now search this without false positives from comments.


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