• thanks Chris... still i have a doubt.. i explained that in following code. i changed tables added columns in fact...

    if object_id('tempdb..#table1') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #table1;

    if object_id('tempdb..#table2') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #table2;

    if object_id('tempdb..#table3') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #table3;

    create table #table1 (col1 int,col2 varchar(30),col3 varchar(30));

    insert into #table1 values (10,'martin','teacher');

    insert into #table1 values (20,'tom','trainer');

    insert into #table1 values (30,'schrof','student');

    create table #table2(t_col1 int identity(1,1), t_col2 VARCHAR(30));

    create table #table3 (f_col1 int identity(1,1), f_col2 INT, f_col3 VARCHAR(30),f_col4 VARCHAR(30));

    --- here in table3.f_col4 i need to store the value of table1.col3

    ---- will output clause work in this scenario?

    insert into #table2 (t_col2)

    output inserted.t_col1, inserted.t_col2

    into #table3(f_col2,f_col3)

    select col2 from #table1 t;

    SELECT * FROM #table2 -- three rows

    SELECT * FROM #table3

    Thanks for ur guidance