• Hugo Kornelis (11/17/2010)

    amenjonathan (11/17/2010)

    Indexed views and triggers: two things to avoid if at all possible. Next up: Cursors are good! 😀

    Please explain.

    Or, if we are just throwing terms without any backing, I'll offer:

    * Indexed views, when used with care, are an invaluable performance tool.

    * Triggers are great to guard consistency, but only when standard constraints fall short.

    * Cursors, though heavily overused by new users, certainly have their place in the expert's tool box.

    Every tool has its use. Some tools should not be used unless there is no other way, either because using these tools violates some larger no-no like data duplication or because they are resource hogs and there are generally better ways to get the same task accomplished. In fact, I would actually prefer changing the structure of the system to avoid their use altogether if that is possible. Indexed views are data duplication. It is to be avoided unless there is no other way.

    What I meant in my original post is we're seeing all these articles lately about these crappy tools that should really be avoided. Hardly any nay-saying about them. They are only good for 1 or 2 very specific purposes and nothing else. If I were new to the industry I might run out and create a bunch of indexed views (data duplication NO NO NO!), triggers (Good luck changing that schema!), and cursors (I eat all your resources for lunch!). These three things are garbage, unless it truly is the only alternative. Cursors specifically I've never seen a solution using one that was faster or better performing than a set based solution or simply using a while loop. In fact they're so bad, I don't even know the syntax for how to create one!

    A funny side note, I was asked in an interview once what I thought about cursors. I said well I feel they're so crappy I don't even know how to write one. There's always a better way than using a cursor. That was one of the reasons I was hired.

    It's good to have a solid set of generalizations and things to avoid if at all possible. That would be a great article. The past two articles on indexed views and triggers sound like they come from a viewpoint that these are generally acceptable solutions without any conditions on use. But in reality these two things are tools that are last on the list of alternative solutions, not for use in every day development. Cursors I truly believe can be avoided altogether.

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