• Hi hrc

    The insert operation was performed by Asp.net technology on SERVER A. you suggested that use triggers which means insert on SERVER A should depend on availability of the SERVER B in transaction. We can't afford this.

    Below is the way I have implemented the row processing in infinite loop.

    Begin tran tran1

    declare @x Table(

    [ID] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [Mobile] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL,

    [Message] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,

    [createdate] [datetime] )


    DELETE top(500) xyz with (UPDLOCK,READPAST)

    OUTPUT deleted .* INTO @x

    Insert into [34].[apiTEST].[dbo].[xyz]

    select * from @x


    -- here 34 is linked server B

    Thanks, Satalaj.