• Hi Jeff,

    I might consider using something like this approach

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Months](

    [MonthName] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL,

    [MonthCalendarSequence] [int] NOT NULL,

    [MonthFinancialSequance] [int] NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    Insert into Months Values ('January',1,10)

    Insert into Months Values ('February',2,11)

    Insert into Months Values ('March',3,12)

    Insert into Months Values ('April',4,1)

    Insert into Months Values ('May',5,2)

    Insert into Months Values ('June',6,3)

    Insert into Months Values ('July',7,4)

    Insert into Months Values ('August',8,5)

    Insert into Months Values ('September',9,6)

    Insert into Months Values ('October',10,7)

    Insert into Months Values ('November',11,8)

    Insert into Months Values ('December',12,9)

    SELECT [Month] = DATENAME(mm,SomeDateTime),

    Amount = SUM(SomeAmount)

    FROM #MyHead h inner join months m on m.monthname = DATENAME(mm,SomeDateTime)

    WHERE SomeDateTime >= '2010' AND SomeDateTime < '2011'

    GROUP BY DATENAME(mm,SomeDateTime)

    order by max(m.monthcalendarsequence)

    Can't really decide what would be best
