• I deal with a proprietary POS system where the Delphi code is not touchable and so to get some things done I have to resort to triggers - even though I'm not a huge fan of them. I worked on one system where there were 8 insert/update triggers on the main item table. It took 8 seconds to do a simple update of an item. I stuck code in each of the triggers to dump to a table each time it was called. I found over 27 calls to triggers for 1 single update.

    Now this sort of thing can be handled by checking nest level, but there are some valid reasons why you wouldn't want to do this, such as an update trigger in another table like Vendor Item updating the main Item table.

    I consolidated all triggers into 1 insert/update trigger and an item update was instantaneous.

    The only way I would have multiple triggers on the same table would be to have a separate audit action, which would not affect anything else in the database.

    Todd Fifield