• Geoff A (11/8/2010)

    renasoursou (11/8/2010)


    your Article is really great. I tried to Run the Script on our Server (Windows Server 2003 R2 SERVICE PACK 1) but I get an error (see attached file). Can anyone Help me?

    Thanks a lot

    Do you have SQL running with a database called DBA on your server?

    does the database DBA have the table EventLogStaging?

    Yes I have. On thIs Server there are running an 2000 Sql Server and a 2005 SQL Server Instance. I have changed this Line

    --> objConn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=RLDB2,4949\RLDB2_05;Initial Catalog=DBA;Integrated Security=SSPI"

    RLDB2,4949\RLDB2_05 --> This is our SQL Server 2005 Instance on this Server.

    I dont understand this error...