• I like the idea generally, but itshould have been pointed out that the system is not a limitation but a framework only. If the system fails then everything fails within it.

    I don'nt like the philosophy "put your trust in the system not in genius." This rubbish. Even the system is invented by geniuses, like Henry Ford (inventing the most hated system the production line). I would like to defet this philosophy with the Roman Army example. Geniuses: what would have been the Roman Army without Cornelius Scipio (reorganising the tactical deployment suit to the situation), Aemilius Paulus (Introducing new tactics to beat the famous macedon falanx at Pydna), Gaius Marius (reorganising the Roman Army so that after decades of disastorous defets it was capable to win battles again-Aquae Sixtee; Vercelle-, Julius Ceasar... and the list goes on of these ancient geniuses. Also the Roman Army is full of individual heroes.

