• Reo (10/7/2010)

    SQL Server Logs some Informational messages in error log. I have found like "This instance of SQL Server has been using a process ID of 1588 since datetime"

    Does we should be worry about informational message in error logs. Can some one help me to understand why SQL server informs us to using process id from long time. should I take action as DBA?

    Some Informational messages are understandable but some are not. Is there a detail on internet or on Microsoft sites to understand them?

    I see informational messages in error logs as events SQL Server wants you to be aware of, not necessarily worried about them.

    Having spare time I would check informational messages and investigate further the ones that call my attention.

    SQL Server KB is plenty of information to help understand such messages.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.