passing parameters to a vbs file in command line

  • Hi,

    I have a VbScript file that has oSQLServer.Connect statement using windows authentication. I am trying to pass the servername as parameter from command line.

    cscript ScriptJobs.vbs KIRAN\SECONDARY

    this value KIRAN\SECONDARY should be passed as the servername in VBScript. I have the following code

    Dim ArgObj

    Dim ServerName

    Set ArgObj=Wscript.Arguments

    Set ServerName=ArgObj.Item(0)

    Dim oSQLServer

    Dim oStream

    Set oSQlServer = CreateObject("Wscript.SQLDMO.SQLServer")

    Set oStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")


    oSQLServer.Connect "& ServerName"

    Dim idStep

    Dim ScriptJob

    Dim CountJobs

    Dim JobName

    Dim ScriptAllJobs

    For Each oJob In oSQLServer.JobServer.Jobs

    CountJobs = oSQLServer.JobServer.Jobs.Count


    For idStep = 1 To CountJobs

    JobName = oSQLServer.JobServer.Jobs.Item(idStep).Name

    ScriptJob = oSQLServer.JobServer.Jobs.Item (idStep).Script(4, "C:\" & JobName & ".sql")

    ScriptAllJobs = ScriptAllJobs & ScriptJob



    oStream.WriteText (ScriptAllJobs)

    oStream.SaveToFile ("C:\SQLAllScripts.sql"), 2



    Set oStream = Nothing

    Set oSQLServer = Nothing

    Set ArgObj=Nothing

    However, the parameter that i pass in command line is not being taken as input into the ServerName.

    Please help me out with this

  • Set ServerName=ArgObj.Item(0)

    should be changed to


    because in VBScript Set is used to assign objects only, not primitive types.

    Hope this helps


    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thanks a lot for replying. Take CAre

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