Inserting RAW Data to Table with selected columns

  • Hi,

    Anyone can help me, on how to insert a RAW Data to a Table with selected columns. I need only the Column1 and Column3 to be inserted. Thanking you.

    TextFile : RawData.CSV






    Table : RAWDATA


    Column1 int,

    Column2 varchar(10),

    Column3 varchar(10),



  • You can bulk insert into a temporary table and then select the columns you desire. Here is an example:

    DECLARE @TempTable TABLE


    Column1 INT,

    Column2 VARCHAR(10),

    Column2 VARCHAR(10)


    BULK INSERT @TempTable FROM 'Filepath'

    SELECT Column1, Column2

    FROM @TempTable

    As an alternative, I believe that you can use a format file to bulk insert directly into your desired table.

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