• [font="Arial"]I am trying to add a CASE to my WHERE clause that is a little more complex than I normally use. Normally, I would do something like the following. I haven't checked this SQL. It is just meant for display purposes.

    SELECT *

    FROM Users

    WHERE LastLogin >

    CASE @LastLogin

    WHEN 'PastYear' THEN DATEADD(DAY, -365, GETDATE())


    WHEN 'ThisMonth' THEN DATEADD(DAY, -30, GETDATE())





    But, I want to do something a little more complex right now. This is what I currently have, but SQL Server 2008 doesn't like it. I have never been one to use CASE statements in WHERE clauses very much and so I have never written anything very complex. If someone could help me with this quickly, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance!






    A.Deleted AS 'AdminDeleted'

    FROM dbo.Billing_Payments P

    INNER JOIN dbo.Billing_Invoices I ON I.InvoiceID = P.InvoiceID

    INNER JOIN dbo.Billing_Payments_Types T ON T.PaymentTypeID = P.PaymentTypeID

    LEFT JOIN dbo.Billing_Cards C ON C.CardID = P.CardID

    LEFT JOIN dbo.SystemAdmins A ON A.SystemAdminID = P.ModifiedBy


    (P.PaymentID = @PaymentID OR @PaymentID IS NULL)


    (P.InvoiceID = @InvoiceID OR @InvoiceID IS NULL)


    (P.CardID = @CardID OR @CardID IS NULL)


    (P.PaymentTypeID = @PaymentTypeID OR @PaymentTypeID IS NULL)


    (P.Amount = @Amount OR @Amount IS NULL)


    (P.Success = @Success OR @Success IS NULL)



    CASE @DateRangeType

    WHEN 'Captured' THEN P.Captured >= @DateStart AND P.Captured <= @DateEnd
    WHEN 'Capture' THEN P.Capture >= @DateStart AND P.Capture <= @DateEnd
    WHEN 'Deleted' THEN P.Deleted >= @DateStart AND P.Deleted <= @DateEnd
    WHEN 'Created' THEN I.Created >= @DateStart AND I.Created <= @DateEnd
    WHEN 'Due' THEN I.Due >= @DateStart AND I.Due <= @DateEnd
    WHEN 'Approved' THEN I.Approved >= @DateStart AND I.Approved <= @DateEnd

    As you can see, my CASE checks to see what TYPE of date range they selected onthe WebForm. I then take that "DateRangeType" and plug in the appropriate column names, etc. I think the problem is that I am trying to put the column names and the comparison both within the WHEN portion of the CASE. All other CASE statements within WHERE clauses that I have written have the column name BEFORE the CASE statement and only the comparison within the WHEN. So, normally I do......

    WHERE ColumnName >=

    CASE @DateRangeType

    WHEN 'Approved' THEN @DateStart


    AND ColumnName <=
    CASE @DateRangeType
    WHEN 'Approved' THEN @DateEnd

    Is this what I [b][i]have to do[/i][/b]? Do I have to write a CASE for the <= and one for the >= as well as a CASE for each column name I want to compare/use? If so, that will become very sloppy and cumbersome. There has to be a way to do it in less code... Sorta like I have it laid out and I am trying to do. Please help. :w00t:

    - John


  • You are trying to return boolean truth values in your case expression, but SQL has no such datatype, so you can't do that. As you suggested, the SOP here is to nest CASE expressions for each of you branches. Yes, it's a lot of code, but you can't be skittish about writing a lot of code if you want to do SQL right. All too often, the right way to do it in SQL is to write a prodigious amount of code.

    Fortunately in your case, there is a slightly more compact way to do it:

    AND 1 =



    WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Captured'

    AND P.Captured >= @DateStart

    AND P.Captured = @DateStart

    AND P.Capture = @DateStart

    AND P.Deleted = @DateStart

    AND I.Created = @DateStart

    AND I.Due = @DateStart

    AND I.Approved <= @DateEnd THEN 1

    ELSE 0



    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • Awesome. Thank you. I knew there had to be a better way of doing this. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out.

    - John

  • No problem, just glad I could help. πŸ™‚

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • Awsom...

  • This post is over 3 years old and the OP has not logged into SSC since they created the original post. Move along...nothing to see here.


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  • Nice catch Sean πŸ˜€

    ~ Lokesh Vij

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  • The thread is never to old to comment on this.

    Celko, this is the most condescending, insulting and downright rude comment that I've seen on a tech forum. You may be a self-proclaimed expert in T-Sql, you may be a true expert, but you don't know squat about common courtesy.

    Based on what I see here, I will avoid your Celko series like it carries the plague.

    Phil Taffet

  • RBarryYoung - Monday, June 8, 2009 6:02 PM

    king You are trying to return boolean truth values in your case expression, but SQL has no such datatype, so you can't do that. As you suggested, the SOP here is to nest CASE expressions for each of you branches. Yes, it's a lot of code, but you can't be skittish about writing a lot of code if you want to do SQL right. All too often, the right way to do it in SQL is to write a prodigious amount of code.Fortunately in your case, there is a slightly more compact way to do it:AND 1 =(CASE WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Captured' AND P.Captured >= @DateStart AND P.Captured <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Capture' AND P.Capture >= @DateStart AND P.Capture <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Deleted' AND P.Deleted >= @DateStart AND P.Deleted <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Created' AND I.Created >= @DateStart AND I.Created <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Due' AND I.Due >= @DateStart AND I.Due <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Approved' AND I.Approved >= @DateStart AND I.Approved <= @DateEnd THEN 1ELSE 0END)

    Hi, i have same query but its working, please help on below query, i want to check dropdown value and perform a query accordingly.. Like if dropdown value is TITLE the perform a like query and search the titles, if dropdown value is External id then do an in cluse and search external id using case when query  - 
    SyntaxEditor Code SnippetSELECT {Title}.[Title],{ReleaseCategory}.[Label],{Company}.[Name],{Title}.[External_ID],{Title}.[Title_Date],{Title}.[Assigned_To],{TitleDeliveryStatusMaster}.[Label],0,{Title}.[Id]FROM {Title}  Left JOIN {Company} ON {Title}.[Studio] = {Company}.[Id]   Left JOIN {TitleDeliveryStatusMaster} ON {Title}.[Delivery_Status_Title] = {TitleDeliveryStatusMaster}.[Id]  Left JOIN {ReleaseCategory} ON {Title}.[Release_Category] = {ReleaseCategory}.[Id]  Left JOIN {PCT} ON {Title}.[Id] = {PCT}.[TitleId]WHERECASE WHEN @DropDownValue = 'Title'  Then {Title}.[Title] Like ('%'+@SearchTextVar +'%') WHEN @DropDownValue = 'ExternalID'  Then {Title}.[External_ID] Like ('%'+@SearchTextVar +'%')  End  ORDER BY {Title}.[Assigned_To] ASC

    I am using this in OUTSYSTEM plateform, way of writing the query is different Please help me with the same. Thankyou

  • vpandey29 - Friday, July 21, 2017 5:42 AM

    RBarryYoung - Monday, June 8, 2009 6:02 PM

    king You are trying to return boolean truth values in your case expression, but SQL has no such datatype, so you can't do that. As you suggested, the SOP here is to nest CASE expressions for each of you branches. Yes, it's a lot of code, but you can't be skittish about writing a lot of code if you want to do SQL right. All too often, the right way to do it in SQL is to write a prodigious amount of code.Fortunately in your case, there is a slightly more compact way to do it:AND 1 =(CASE WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Captured' AND P.Captured >= @DateStart AND P.Captured <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Capture' AND P.Capture >= @DateStart AND P.Capture <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Deleted' AND P.Deleted >= @DateStart AND P.Deleted <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Created' AND I.Created >= @DateStart AND I.Created <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Due' AND I.Due >= @DateStart AND I.Due <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Approved' AND I.Approved >= @DateStart AND I.Approved <= @DateEnd THEN 1ELSE 0END)

    Hi, i have same query but its working, please help on below query, i want to check dropdown value and perform a query accordingly.. Like if dropdown value is TITLE the perform a like query and search the titles, if dropdown value is External id then do an in cluse and search external id using case when query  - 
    SyntaxEditor Code SnippetSELECT {Title}.[Title],{ReleaseCategory}.[Label],{Company}.[Name],{Title}.[External_ID],{Title}.[Title_Date],{Title}.[Assigned_To],{TitleDeliveryStatusMaster}.[Label],0,{Title}.[Id]FROM {Title}  Left JOIN {Company} ON {Title}.[Studio] = {Company}.[Id]   Left JOIN {TitleDeliveryStatusMaster} ON {Title}.[Delivery_Status_Title] = {TitleDeliveryStatusMaster}.[Id]  Left JOIN {ReleaseCategory} ON {Title}.[Release_Category] = {ReleaseCategory}.[Id]  Left JOIN {PCT} ON {Title}.[Id] = {PCT}.[TitleId]WHERECASE WHEN @DropDownValue = 'Title'  Then {Title}.[Title] Like ('%'+@SearchTextVar +'%') WHEN @DropDownValue = 'ExternalID'  Then {Title}.[External_ID] Like ('%'+@SearchTextVar +'%')  End  ORDER BY {Title}.[Assigned_To] ASC

    I am using this in OUTSYSTEM plateform, way of writing the query is different Please help me with the same. Thankyou

    This thread is more than 8 years old. If you have a question you should start a new thread not jump onto a really old one. Before you create your own question you should take a few minutes and read the first link in my signature for best practices when posting questions.

    CASE  is an expression which means it can return a single scalar value. It cannot be used like you are trying to do here. Pretty sure you want something along these lines.

    WHERE (@DropDownValue = 'Title' AND {Title}.[Title] Like '%' + @SearchTextVar +'%')
    OR (@DropDownValue = 'ExternalID' AND {Title}.[External_ID] Like '%' + @SearchTextVar +'%')

    The  syntax here is not valid t-sql but this should demonstrate how this would work.


    Need help? Help us help you.

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  • vpandey29 - Friday, July 21, 2017 5:42 AM

    RBarryYoung - Monday, June 8, 2009 6:02 PM

    king You are trying to return boolean truth values in your case expression, but SQL has no such datatype, so you can't do that. As you suggested, the SOP here is to nest CASE expressions for each of you branches. Yes, it's a lot of code, but you can't be skittish about writing a lot of code if you want to do SQL right. All too often, the right way to do it in SQL is to write a prodigious amount of code.Fortunately in your case, there is a slightly more compact way to do it:AND 1 =(CASE WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Captured' AND P.Captured >= @DateStart AND P.Captured <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Capture' AND P.Capture >= @DateStart AND P.Capture <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Deleted' AND P.Deleted >= @DateStart AND P.Deleted <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Created' AND I.Created >= @DateStart AND I.Created <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Due' AND I.Due >= @DateStart AND I.Due <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Approved' AND I.Approved >= @DateStart AND I.Approved <= @DateEnd THEN 1ELSE 0END)

    Hi, i have same query but its working, please help on below query, i want to check dropdown value and perform a query accordingly.. Like if dropdown value is TITLE the perform a like query and search the titles, if dropdown value is External id then do an in cluse and search external id using case when query  - 
    SyntaxEditor Code SnippetSELECT {Title}.[Title],{ReleaseCategory}.[Label],{Company}.[Name],{Title}.[External_ID],{Title}.[Title_Date],{Title}.[Assigned_To],{TitleDeliveryStatusMaster}.[Label],0,{Title}.[Id]FROM {Title}  Left JOIN {Company} ON {Title}.[Studio] = {Company}.[Id]   Left JOIN {TitleDeliveryStatusMaster} ON {Title}.[Delivery_Status_Title] = {TitleDeliveryStatusMaster}.[Id]  Left JOIN {ReleaseCategory} ON {Title}.[Release_Category] = {ReleaseCategory}.[Id]  Left JOIN {PCT} ON {Title}.[Id] = {PCT}.[TitleId]WHERECASE WHEN @DropDownValue = 'Title'  Then {Title}.[Title] Like ('%'+@SearchTextVar +'%') WHEN @DropDownValue = 'ExternalID'  Then {Title}.[External_ID] Like ('%'+@SearchTextVar +'%')  End  ORDER BY {Title}.[Assigned_To] ASC

    I am using this in OUTSYSTEM plateform, way of writing the query is different Please help me with the same. Thankyou

    Simlarly, try this:
    SELECT {Title}.[Title],
    FROM {Title}
        Left JOIN {Company}
            ON {Title}.[Studio] = {Company}.[Id]
        Left JOIN {TitleDeliveryStatusMaster}
            ON {Title}.[Delivery_Status_Title] = {TitleDeliveryStatusMaster}.[Id]
        Left JOIN {ReleaseCategory}
            ON {Title}.[Release_Category] = {ReleaseCategory}.[Id]
        Left JOIN {PCT}
            ON {Title}.[Id] = {PCT}.[TitleId]
    WHERE (@DropDownValue = 'Title' AND {Title}.[Title] Like ('%'+@SearchTextVar +'%'))
        OR (@DropDownValue = 'ExternalID' AND {Title}.[External_ID] Like ('%'+@SearchTextVar +'%'))
    ORDER BY {Title}.[Assigned_To] ASC;

    Steve (aka sgmunson) πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • vpandey29 - Friday, July 21, 2017 5:42 AM

    RBarryYoung - Monday, June 8, 2009 6:02 PM

    king You are trying to return boolean truth values in your case expression, but SQL has no such datatype, so you can't do that. As you suggested, the SOP here is to nest CASE expressions for each of you branches. Yes, it's a lot of code, but you can't be skittish about writing a lot of code if you want to do SQL right. All too often, the right way to do it in SQL is to write a prodigious amount of code.Fortunately in your case, there is a slightly more compact way to do it:AND 1 =(CASE WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Captured' AND P.Captured >= @DateStart AND P.Captured <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Capture' AND P.Capture >= @DateStart AND P.Capture <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Deleted' AND P.Deleted >= @DateStart AND P.Deleted <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Created' AND I.Created >= @DateStart AND I.Created <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Due' AND I.Due >= @DateStart AND I.Due <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Approved' AND I.Approved >= @DateStart AND I.Approved <= @DateEnd THEN 1ELSE 0END)

    Hi, i have same query but its working, please help on below query, i want to check dropdown value and perform a query accordingly.. Like if dropdown value is TITLE the perform a like query and search the titles, if dropdown value is External id then do an in cluse and search external id using case when query  - 
    SyntaxEditor Code SnippetSELECT {Title}.[Title],{ReleaseCategory}.[Label],{Company}.[Name],{Title}.[External_ID],{Title}.[Title_Date],{Title}.[Assigned_To],{TitleDeliveryStatusMaster}.[Label],0,{Title}.[Id]FROM {Title}  Left JOIN {Company} ON {Title}.[Studio] = {Company}.[Id]   Left JOIN {TitleDeliveryStatusMaster} ON {Title}.[Delivery_Status_Title] = {TitleDeliveryStatusMaster}.[Id]  Left JOIN {ReleaseCategory} ON {Title}.[Release_Category] = {ReleaseCategory}.[Id]  Left JOIN {PCT} ON {Title}.[Id] = {PCT}.[TitleId]WHERECASE WHEN @DropDownValue = 'Title'  Then {Title}.[Title] Like ('%'+@SearchTextVar +'%') WHEN @DropDownValue = 'ExternalID'  Then {Title}.[External_ID] Like ('%'+@SearchTextVar +'%')  End  ORDER BY {Title}.[Assigned_To] ASC

    I am using this in OUTSYSTEM plateform, way of writing the query is different Please help me with the same. Thankyou

    Something like this should work for you:
    FROM {Title}
    Left JOIN {Company} ON {Title}.[Studio] = {Company}.[Id]
    Left JOIN {TitleDeliveryStatusMaster} ON {Title}.[Delivery_Status_Title] = {TitleDeliveryStatusMaster}.[Id]
    Left JOIN {ReleaseCategory} ON {Title}.[Release_Category] = {ReleaseCategory}.[Id]
    Left JOIN {PCT} ON {Title}.[Id] = {PCT}.[TitleId]
     (@DropDownValue = 'Title' AND {Title}.[Title] LIKE ('%'+@SearchTextVar +'%') )
     (@DropDownValue = 'ExternalID' AND {Title}.[External_ID] LIKE ('%'+@SearchTextVar +'%') )
    ORDER BY {Title}.[Assigned_To] ASC

    β€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Sean Lange - Friday, July 21, 2017 7:12 AM

    vpandey29 - Friday, July 21, 2017 5:42 AM

    RBarryYoung - Monday, June 8, 2009 6:02 PM

    king You are trying to return boolean truth values in your case expression, but SQL has no such datatype, so you can't do that. As you suggested, the SOP here is to nest CASE expressions for each of you branches. Yes, it's a lot of code, but you can't be skittish about writing a lot of code if you want to do SQL right. All too often, the right way to do it in SQL is to write a prodigious amount of code.Fortunately in your case, there is a slightly more compact way to do it:AND 1 =(CASE WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Captured' AND P.Captured >= @DateStart AND P.Captured <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Capture' AND P.Capture >= @DateStart AND P.Capture <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Deleted' AND P.Deleted >= @DateStart AND P.Deleted <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Created' AND I.Created >= @DateStart AND I.Created <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Due' AND I.Due >= @DateStart AND I.Due <= @DateEnd THEN 1WHEN @DateRangeType = 'Approved' AND I.Approved >= @DateStart AND I.Approved <= @DateEnd THEN 1ELSE 0END)

    Hi, i have same query but its working, please help on below query, i want to check dropdown value and perform a query accordingly.. Like if dropdown value is TITLE the perform a like query and search the titles, if dropdown value is External id then do an in cluse and search external id using case when query  - 
    SyntaxEditor Code SnippetSELECT {Title}.[Title],{ReleaseCategory}.[Label],{Company}.[Name],{Title}.[External_ID],{Title}.[Title_Date],{Title}.[Assigned_To],{TitleDeliveryStatusMaster}.[Label],0,{Title}.[Id]FROM {Title}  Left JOIN {Company} ON {Title}.[Studio] = {Company}.[Id]   Left JOIN {TitleDeliveryStatusMaster} ON {Title}.[Delivery_Status_Title] = {TitleDeliveryStatusMaster}.[Id]  Left JOIN {ReleaseCategory} ON {Title}.[Release_Category] = {ReleaseCategory}.[Id]  Left JOIN {PCT} ON {Title}.[Id] = {PCT}.[TitleId]WHERECASE WHEN @DropDownValue = 'Title'  Then {Title}.[Title] Like ('%'+@SearchTextVar +'%') WHEN @DropDownValue = 'ExternalID'  Then {Title}.[External_ID] Like ('%'+@SearchTextVar +'%')  End  ORDER BY {Title}.[Assigned_To] ASC

    I am using this in OUTSYSTEM plateform, way of writing the query is different Please help me with the same. Thankyou

    This thread is more than 8 years old. If you have a question you should start a new thread not jump onto a really old one. Before you create your own question you should take a few minutes and read the first link in my signature for best practices when posting questions.

    CASE  is an expression which means it can return a single scalar value. It cannot be used like you are trying to do here. Pretty sure you want something along these lines.

    WHERE (@DropDownValue = 'Title' AND {Title}.[Title] Like '%' + @SearchTextVar +'%')
    OR (@DropDownValue = 'ExternalID' AND {Title}.[External_ID] Like '%' + @SearchTextVar +'%')

    The  syntax here is not valid t-sql but this should demonstrate how this would work.

    Thankyou soo much.. It worked, there are certain conversion that i need to do.. God bless u .. thankyou

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

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