Output variable does not return result when using SqlCommand?

  • I am using VS2005 connecting to a hosted SQL 2005 server.

    I have a stored procedure that looks like this...


    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetSupplierID]

    @SupplierName varchar(100),

    @SupplierBranch varchar(100) = NULL,

    @SupplierID bigint OUTPUT




    SELECT @SupplierID = SupplierID

    FROM SU_Suppliers

    WHERE (SupplierName = @SupplierName) AND

    (@SupplierBranch IS NULL OR SupplierBranch = @SupplierBranch)



    if I run the stored procedure through SQL management studio it works fine and the SupplierID is returned in the OUTPUT parameter '@SupplierID'

    When I try to do this in code it doesn't return anything and the result of the SQLCommand is -1

    C# code...


    SqlCommand getCoID = new SqlCommand();

    SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SupportConnectionString"].ConnectionString);

    getCoID.Connection = Conn;

    getCoID.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

    getCoID.CommandText = "GetSupplierID";

    getCoID.Parameters.Add("@SupplierName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = ThisUser.UserName;

    getCoID.Parameters.Add("@SupplierBranch", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100);

    getCoID.Parameters.Add("@SupplierID", SqlDbType.BigInt);

    getCoID.Parameters["@SupplierID"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;


    int UCo = getCoID.ExecuteNonQuery();

    Session["UserCompany"] = getCoID.Parameters["@SupplierID"].Value;


    Can anyone tell me why this SqlCommand is failing??


  • Are you sure that This.UserName is returning the name in the format you need?

  • What's your db collation ??

    (case sensitive , accent sensitive, ... ??)


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  • Jack,

    Thanks a bunch man! Sometimes it helps to just get a different look at things. The ThisUser.Username is from the ASP.NET user membership after login. The problem was that I didn't want to use the username I was supposed to use the comments field where I store the company name of the user.

    Working fine now.


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