Row Count on a table not equal row count in XML file

  • Hi,

    I have this SQL code to load data from a SQL table to XML;
    SELECT (
    SELECT BatchRunID, GETDATE() as extractDate,
            (SELECT T1.RealityMemberNo as realityMemberNumber, T1.IDNumber as realityIdNumber,
                 (SELECT t2.TierActivityCode AS activityCode,t2.activityDate as activityDate,
                            (SELECT t4.Category AS 'category/@type',
                                    t4.Name AS 'category/@name',     
                                    t4.Value as 'category'
                                FROM    MyTable AS T4
                                WHERE    T4.IDNumber = T2.IDNumber
                                AND        T4.TierActivityCode = T2.TierActivityCode
                                AND  T4.ActivityDate = T2.ActivityDate
                                AND        T4.BatchControlID = BatchRunID
                                and        T4.BusinessKey    = T2.BusinessKey
                                ORDER BY T4.Category, t4.Name
                                        FOR XML PATH (''),ROOT('categories'), type)
                    FROM MyTable AS T2
                    WHERE T1.IDNumber = T2.IDNumber
                    AND T2.BatchControlID = BatchRunID
                    GROUP BY IDNumber,RealityMemberNo, TierActivityCode, ActivityDate, BusinessKey
                    FOR XML PATH ('activity'), ROOT ('activities'),type)
            FROM MyTable T1
            WHERE T1.BatchControlID = BatchRunID
            GROUP BY BatchControlID,IDNumber,RealityMemberNo
            FOR XML PATH ('realityMember'), type),
            count(distinct IDNumber+TierActivityCode+convert(varchar(20),ActivityDate)) as ActivityCodeTotal
        FROM MyTable T
        (SELECT    BatchRunID = RealityDataStaging.dbo.udf_getBatchControlID ((SELECT DomainClientID
            FROM    RealityDataStaging.dbo.DomainClients
            WHERE    ClientshortName = 'AAG'),'Tiering')) BR
        ON BatchControlID = BR.BatchRunID
        GROUP BY BatchRunID
        FOR XML PATH ('xml')
    ) as XMLCol

    I have a total of 663 rows in MyTable, but when I look at my XML file, and Control - Find the activityCode field, and select Count, it only records 221, please see the image below.

  • Without having your table data to work with, we're entirely guessing.   I saw the word DISTINCT in your query, which could easily cause some rows to not appear in the results, depending on how it's used.  Most folks aren't going to want to help on something like this without sample data to play with, and mainly because it's asking a bit much of them.   Kinda like saying "fix my problem" but you can't see the data or the data types or run test queries to validate assumptions.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

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