Load large Fact table performance

  • Hi All

    I need your help.
    I am working in a project to create a datawarhouse in azure sql server
    I'am trying to load about 31 millions rows in a fact table
    This the stored procedure I 've created to do this.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [Dwh].[AlimFctSurvey]



    DECLARE @StartDate Date = (SELECT (ISNULL (MAX(LoadingDate), ( SELECT MIN (DATE) from [Dwh].[DimDate] )) ) FROM [Dwh].[FactSurvey] )

    INSERT INTO [Dwh].[FactSurvey] with (TABLOCK)
    , IdModule
    , LineId
    , FileId

    SELECT ISNULL (B.IdDate, -1)IdDate
    , ISNULL (C.IdRespondant, -1)IdRespondant
    , ISNULL (E.IdResponse, -1)IdResponse
    , ISNULL (D.IdCountry, -1)IdCountry
    , ISNULL (F.IdModule, -1)IdModule
    , [Count] = 1
    , Loadingdate = Getdate()
    , LineId
    , FileId

    FROM [Ods].[Sas_Output] A

    LEFT JOIN [Dwh].[DimDate] B ON B.IdDate = 100 * cast (A.Mois as int) + 1

    LEFT JOIN [Dwh].[DimRespondant] C ON A.[Respondant_FunctionnalKey]= C.Respondant_FunctionnalKey

    LEFT JOIN [Dwh].[DimCountry] D ON A.Country_FunctionnalKey= D.Country_FunctionnalKey      

    LEFT JOIN Dwh.DimResponse E on E.Response_FunctionnalKey = a.Response

    LEFT JOIN Dwh.DimModule F on F.Module_FunctionnalKey = a.Module

    and A.LoadingDate > @StartDate

    AND isnull ([FLAG_RA1A], 0) = 0

    AND MOIS <= '201803'


    All tables in the queries have a columnstore index
    I don't know why the query runs for hours without loading the table.
    Do you have an idea ?
    Thank you for your help

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