Dynamic SQL Stuff statement to generate column names

  • Hi All,

    I'm trying to integrate a STUFF statement to generate column names along with some sql command (CASE statement). My @ColNames variables outputs what I need and I would like to integrate that in the @sqlquery as part of the SELECT statement but I'm not getting the result of @ColNames but the actual string. 

     DECLARE @GUID nvarchar(32)
     DECLARE @DBName  nvarchar(50)
     DECLARE @ColNames nvarchar(max)
     DECLARE @TableName nvarchar(40)
     DECLARE @TimeZoneID int
     DECLARE @sqlquery nvarchar(max)
     SET @DBName = 'Example'
      SET @TableName = 'Val_E7864189756'
      SET @TimeZoneID = 84
      SET @GUID = 'E7864189756'
      SELECT @ColNames = ' STUFF(
      '',''+QUOTENAME(c.TagName)+ '' = SUM(CASE WHEN TagName=''+QUOTENAME(c.TagName,'''''''')+'' THEN Value END)''
      FROM [Example].[dbo].[RawData_'+Rtrim(Ltrim(cast(@GUID as nvarchar(32))))+'] c FOR XML PATH(''''), TYPE
     ).value(''.'', ''nvarchar(max)''), 1, 1, '''')'
      SET @sqlquery =' INSERT INTO ['+ Ltrim(rTrim(@NomBDD)) +'].[dbo].['+@TableName+']' +
          ' SELECT Timestamp, '+ @ColNames+ 'GROUP BY Timestamp ORDER BY Timestamp'
           ' UPDATE '+ Ltrim(rTrim(@DBName)) +'].[dbo].['+@TableName+']' +
           'SET TIMESTAMP = [TSqlToolbox].[DateTimeUtil].UDF_ConvertUtcToLocalByTimezoneId('+Ltrim(Rtrim(CAST(@TimeZoneID as NVARCHAR(50))))+',Timestamp), '
        EXEC sp_executesql @sqlquery

    Debugging on @sqlquery outputs :

    INSERT INTO [Example].[dbo].[Val_E7864189756] SELECT Timestamp, STUFF(
        ','+QUOTENAME(c.TagName)+ ' = SUM(CASE WHEN TagName='+QUOTENAME(c.TagName,'''')+' THEN Value END)'

    Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong ?
    Thanks !

  • Try replacing 
    EXEC sp_executesql @sqlquery
    PRINT @sqlquery
    Then you will see what it is attempting to execute.

  • Cheers for the tip. It's trying to execute @ColNames as the literal string whereas I would like to feed the results of @ColNames. Maybe using something like an output ?

    INSERT INTO [Example].[dbo].[Val_E7864189756]
     SELECT Timestamp, STUFF(
        ','+QUOTENAME(c.TagName)+ ' = SUM(CASE WHEN TagName='+QUOTENAME(c.TagName,'''')+' THEN Value END)'
        FROM [HyperReader].[dbo].[Val_E7864189756] c FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
       ).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'), 1, 1, '')
    GROUP BY Timestamp
    ORDER BY Timestamp

    UPDATE Example.[dbo].[Val_E7864189756]
    SET TIMESTAMP = [TSqlToolbox].[DateTimeUtil].UDF_ConvertUtcToLocalByTimezoneId(94,Timestamp),

  • can you provide DDL, sample data and expected results?  Otherwise, I would break each part down to make sure it is returning what you are expecting.  Sounds like something is off

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  • prefet - Tuesday, January 22, 2019 9:16 AM

    Cheers for the tip. It's trying to execute @ColNames as the literal string whereas I would like to feed the results of @ColNames. Maybe using something like an output ?

    INSERT INTO [Example].[dbo].[Val_E7864189756]
     SELECT Timestamp, STUFF(
        ','+QUOTENAME(c.TagName)+ ' = SUM(CASE WHEN TagName='+QUOTENAME(c.TagName,'''')+' THEN Value END)'
        FROM [HyperReader].[dbo].[Val_E7864189756] c FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
       ).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'), 1, 1, '')
    GROUP BY Timestamp
    ORDER BY Timestamp

    UPDATE Example.[dbo].[Val_E7864189756]
    SET TIMESTAMP = [TSqlToolbox].[DateTimeUtil].UDF_ConvertUtcToLocalByTimezoneId(94,Timestamp),

    The string contained in @sqlquery should be something that you can just paste into SSMS and run. If you can't do that it's not going to execute with sp_executesql .

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