sysxmitqueue clst index is over 200gb!

  • Hello,

    Been reading up on this Service Broker issue where the sysxmitqueue unexpectedly grows and the best thing I can find other than recreating a new service broker which I don't want to do is using the below sql statement.  The problem though is that the sysxmitqueue table has grown so large this statement takes way too long.  I ran it first in my lab trying to only do 50k records first and it ran for over 17hrs and still going.  Any other suggestions?   Appreciate the help.

    declare @conversationHandle uniqueidentifier

    while (1 = 1)

       select @conversationHandle = conversation_handle from sys.conversation_endpoints
                where 'CLOSED' = state_desc
       if @@rowcount = 0 break
       end conversation @conversationHandle with cleanup


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