Is it possible to use a calculated field in the WHERE clause of the same sentece?

  • Is it possible to use a calculated field in the WHERE clause of the same sentence?

    I have a calculated field that is a value extracted from other table. I need to use this value in the WHERE clause of the main sentence.  Something like…

    SELECT field1, field2,
    ( SELECT TOP 1 otherfield FROM othertable WHERE somefield = t1.field1 ORDER BY something ) AS calculatedfield
    FROM maintable t1
    WHERE field1=500 AND calculatedfield >=2000

    Or the only way is to “copy” the calculated field sentence in the WHERE clause? …

    SELECT field1, field2,
    ( SELECT TOP 1 otherfield FROM othertable WHERE somefield = t1.field1 ORDER BY something ) AS calculatedfield
    FROM maintable t1
    WHERE field1=500
    AND ( SELECT TOP 1 otherfield FROM othertable WHERE somefield = t1.field1 ORDER BY something ) >= 2000

    What about time processing... or resources…  I mean, the second way doesn´t  makes SQL calculate the calculated field twice?

  • either repeat or use one of the following 2 options.

    select *
    from (select t1.field1
        , t1.field2
        , (select top 1 otherfield
         from othertable ot
         where ot.somefield = t1.field1
         order by ot.something
         ) as calculatedfield
       from maintable t1
       where field1 = 500
    ) t
    where calculatedfield >= 2000

    or better yet

    select t1.field1
      , t1.field2
      , calc.calculatedfield
    from maintable t1
    outer apply (select top 1 ot.otherfield as calculatedfield
         from othertable ot
         where ot.somefield = t1.field1
         order by ot.something
        ) as calc
    where field1 = 500
    and calculatedfield >= 2000

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