trying to give user owner permission to database, but says another database is missing object?

  • Hello,

    I am trying to run a simple changeowner statement:

    USE [database18]
    EXEC dbo.sp_changedbowner @loginame = N'sa'

    however for some reason, after i run this, i get this error message:

    Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure DDLEventTrigger, Line 28 [Batch Start Line 63]
    Invalid object name 'List_DWdbo.LEvent'.

    I know that is another database on the same server, however i am not sure why its saying the object doesnt exist when i want to just change owner on database18 from my login to sa... anyone run into this before?

  • Did you check for any DDL triggers at the server level? Looks like there is a trigger which is stopping you from making this change.

  • Check the server and database for any triggers. From the looks of the error, there is a problem in the trigger code preventing it from executing, and changing the owner is firing the trigger.

    At a glance, from the error supplied, there is a period missing between List_DW and dbo (it reads List_DWdbo.LEvent but should read List_DW.dbo.LEvent)

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