Error Message Capture - "OLE DB Destination" - Insert error

  • Dear Forum,
    I am wanting to capture an error from an "OLE DB Destination".
    i.e. to a database table or to a flat file.
    I seem to have ErrorCode and ErrorColumn .. and I am getting an error number like -1071607685 
    I interested in capture of a more meaningful error message.
    e.g. a message that contains the database table constraint name that is cause of insert error.
    Can someone please point me to an article or a recent/modern existing forum question on this?

    cheers, thanks,

  • This is not a solution but a suggestion. If that failed on SQL server would you be able to find out in SQL in which case use the fact you have error'd to retrieve the info. I use RAISERROR() to provide more detailed feedback form Executing SQL stored procs as my source. SQL Server must store the error for you by default somewhere.

  • allan.ford17 - Sunday, December 9, 2018 10:45 PM

    Dear Forum,
    I am wanting to capture an error from an "OLE DB Destination".
    i.e. to a database table or to a flat file.
    I seem to have ErrorCode and ErrorColumn .. and I am getting an error number like -1071607685 
    I interested in capture of a more meaningful error message.
    e.g. a message that contains the database table constraint name that is cause of insert error.
    Can someone please point me to an article or a recent/modern existing forum question on this?

    cheers, thanks,

    Have a read of this article about getting hold of more useful error info (error column and error description).

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

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