For XML Explicit Column order

  • Is it possible to generate output from FOR XML EXPLICIT a specific column order - any help much appreciated.

    Example SQL
    declare @orderID int = 225963
    declare @tblOrders table (MOVEMENT_NUMBER int, COMPARTMENT_NUMBER int, PRODUCT_NUMBER int, PRODUCT_NAME nvarchar(200), SUPPLIER_NAME nvarchar(200), ORDERED_QUANTITY int)

    insert into @tblOrders select '225963', 1, 156, 'Product 1', 'Customer 1', 6000
    insert into @tblOrders select '225963', 2, 156, 'Product 2', 'Customer 1', 6001

    select 10 Tag, 0 Parent
        , vw.MOVEMENT_NUMBER [OrderDetail!10!MovementNumber!Element]
        , null [Compartment!20!Number!Element]
        , null [Compartment!20!Product!Element]
        , null [Compartment!20!Supplier!Element]
        , vw.SUPPLIER_NAME [OrderDetail!10!Supplier!Element]
    from @tblOrders vw
    where MOVEMENT_NUMBER = @orderID
    select 20 Tag, 10 Parent
        , null
        , vw.PRODUCT_NAME
        , null
    from @tblOrders vw
    where MOVEMENT_NUMBER = @orderID
    for xml explicit, root('Order')

    XML Output
      <Supplier>Customer 1</Supplier>
      <Product>Product 1</Product>
      <Product>Product 2</Product>

    I would like the Supplier element to be the last in the 'Order Detail' sequence such that the XMl read:
      <Product>Product 1</Product>
      <Product>Product 2</Product>
      <Supplier>Customer 1</Supplier>

  • Yes, but it's MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH easier to use FOR XML PATH.  Do you really need to use FOR XML EXPLICIT?


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Thanks for that. And yes I loooked at the real life query I was trying to model and it is considerably easier using XML PATH. So that’s settled then ??

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