Unable to search a part Num In sql

  • Dear All,
    we have created this part in Epicor ERP the following part is visible in Epicor but when we search it into the SQL it returns 0 rows.

    As per my findings the -E27 and onwards it is creating a problem.

    it would be a great help if we get some query to search this part Number.

    ************************************** Query********************************************
    select * from erp.part where partnum like 'LOH-OB557.100%'
    select * from erp.part where partnum='LOH-OB557.100‐E27‐BK'

  • Saif.patel - Saturday, December 1, 2018 11:39 PM

    Dear All,
    we have created this part in Epicor ERP the following part is visible in Epicor but when we search it into the SQL it returns 0 rows.

    As per my findings the -E27 and onwards it is creating a problem.

    it would be a great help if we get some query to search this part Number.

    ************************************** Query********************************************
    select * from erp.part where partnum like 'LOH-OB557.100%'
    select * from erp.part where partnum='LOH-OB557.100â€E27â€BK'

    We need much more information!
    The search predicate will work under normal circumstances so my guess is that there is an error in the code.

  • Saif.patel - Saturday, December 1, 2018 11:39 PM

    Dear All,
    we have created this part in Epicor ERP the following part is visible in Epicor but when we search it into the SQL it returns 0 rows.

    As per my findings the -E27 and onwards it is creating a problem.

    it would be a great help if we get some query to search this part Number.

    ************************************** Query********************************************
    select * from erp.part where partnum like 'LOH-OB557.100%'
    select * from erp.part where partnum='LOH-OB557.100â€E27â€BK'

    Wild guess

    SELECT top 100 * FROM erp.part where partnum between 'LOG' and 'LOJ'  ORDER BY erp.part

    Or maybe more than top 100 if you have a large stack of parts.

    Then eyeball the list to see if partnum is really the column you should be using?

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