MDX Query Help - Translating T-SQL to MDX

  • I'm hoping someone can help me with this query that I have struggled with for a few hours (new MDX user). 

    I can easily get what I need using T-SQL but getting the equivalent using MDX has proven difficult.

    use [AdventureWorksDW2012]

    --Select customers that purchased specific items during specific time period
    drop table #Customers_Purchased_SelectedProduct
    into #Customers_Purchased_SelectedProduct
    from [dbo].[FactInternetSales] a
        inner join [dbo].[DimProduct] b on a.ProductKey = b.ProductKey
        inner join [dbo].[DimProductSubcategory] c on b.ProductSubcategoryKey = c.ProductSubcategoryKey
         a.ShipDateKey between 20050101 and 20081215
        and c.ProductSubcategoryKey in (1 , 2)

    --Get sales metrics for customers identified above
        , b.ProductKey
        , sum(a.SalesAmount) as SalesAmount
        , count(distinct a.CustomerKey) as 'CustomerDistinct_withPurchases'
    from [dbo].[FactInternetSales] a
        inner join [dbo].[DimProduct] b on a.ProductKey = b.ProductKey
        inner join [dbo].[DimProductSubcategory] c on b.ProductSubcategoryKey = c.ProductSubcategoryKey
        inner join #Customers_Purchased_SelectedProduct bb on a.CustomerKey = bb.CustomerKey
        a.ShipDateKey between 20050101 and 20081215
        and c.ProductSubcategoryKey not in (1 , 2)
    group by
        , b.ProductKey

    The code below is what I came up with.  Seems extremely clunky and after 2 minutes it returns data and isn't correct.


    ----Select customers that purchased specific items during specific time period
    set [Cust] as
                [Dim Customer].[Customer Key].[Customer Key].members ,
                    ({[Dim Product].[Product Subcategory Key].&[1] ,[Dim Product].[Product Subcategory Key].&[2]}) ,
                    ({[Ship Date].[Date Key].&[20050101]: [Ship Date].[Date Key].&[20081215]}) ,
                    [Measures].[Sales Amount]

    --Create list of subcategories excluding the ones from above

    set [SubCategory Other] as
        except (
                    [Dim Product].[Product Subcategory Key].[Product Subcategory Key]
                , ({[Dim Product].[Product Subcategory Key].&[1] ,[Dim Product].[Product Subcategory Key].&[2]})

    member [Sales Amount Selected Customers] as sum([Cust] , [Measures].[Sales Amount])
    member [Customer Count] as count(nonempty([Cust],[Sales Amount Selected Customers]))

    {[Sales Amount Selected Customers] , [Customer Count]} on 0
    , ([SubCategory Other] * [Dim Product].[Product Key].[Product Key]) on 1
    from [Adventure Works DW2012]

    Incorrect results set:

    enter image description here

    Your help is very much appreciated!

    The T-SQL query runs in less than 1 second.  I'm clearly messing something up.


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