Login issue with SQL 2016 SP2

  • Hello, 
    ERROR: Logon   Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Password did not match that for the login provided. [CLIENT: 192.***.254.***]

    No one knows why we see the login failures from 'sa'. Hundreds of them. 
    Now, can I confirm it is a bug? I can be 'completely wrong' and let me know if I am missing any part.
    The login is failed by username "Domain\dbc_agent" in all the places, Db is 'master'.
    The maintenance plan is running and has 3 jobs for backup and cleanup.
    When I ran the default trace and try to find the query using SPID it gives me an EMPTY column 🙁
    . Now, the question on the table is it a bug? or am I missing anything?
    Logs  does not show anything more than this error. 

    Below is my results. 

  • Sounds like a rogue scheduled job that has a hard-coded "sa" password. But could be any service that uses that logon and has an old sa password. Could even be a process trying to "crack" your sa password. Find it, kill it, fix it. 🙂

    Have Fun!

  • Did you try filtering the results from your query using "AND LoginName ='sa' " as suggested in the original thread?

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