Transpose rows to columns by row number

  • Hi,
    I have my main table (let's say, Ticket), that contains all informations about every ticket handled in the system.
    This table has 3 columns (Note1, Note2, Note3), that I need to fill with the results from another query, that retrieves the last 3 annotations (in date decreasing order) that have been attached to the ticket.

    This is the query that allows me to retrieve the annotations (these are linked to the ticket through the "Regarding" field).

    So in my Ticket table I should see the content of "Contenuto" in Note1, Note2 and Note3.

    I don't know if rownumb is necessary to accomplish what I want.

    I've seen most of examples use te PIVOT function, but it's usually used to aggregate for example by the sum for a certain ID, and that's not what I need: I just need to retrieve the first 3 rows returned by a query and fill Note1, Note2 and Note3 columns in the Ticket table.

    If you need, this is the query to retrieve the last 3 attachments:

    select top 3 concat(subject, ' | ', content, ' | ', creazione) contenuto,
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY creazione desc) rownumb

    select top 3
    'Email' as Tipo,
    a.RegardingObjectId as Regarding,
    a."subject" as "Subject",
    null as "Content",
    a.CreatedOn as creazione
    from MyDB.dbo.ActivityPointerBase a
    where a.ActivityTypeCode = 4202
    select top 3
    'Note' as Tipo,
    ann.ObjectId as Regarding,
    ann."subject" as "Subject",
    ann.NoteText as "Content",
    ann.CreatedOn as creazione
    from MyDB.dbo.AnnotationBase ann
    ) as Act
    where Regarding = 'D1AC2989-7BD4-E811-80EC-0050568C9BE1'
    order by creazione desc

    Obviously in this sample query the "Regarding" is hardcoded to retrieve only the attachments for one of my Tickets
    Thanks in advance

  • Hi
    You can still use the pivot function with 'MAX'
    A rough example can be:

    select * from #temp

    --sjdhfkdsa2018-11-04 14:05:42.230a112
    --kjfkdsjgk2018-11-02 14:05:58.357a113
    --abcdjfkgqa2018-11-06 14:05:01.187a111

    select id , max([1]) , max([2]) , max([3]) from 
        (select * from #temp )
         pivot ( 
              max(contents) for rownum in ( [1] , [2] , [3])) as pvt
    group by id


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