CTE to find all and immediate manager

  • I have following as example:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.MyEmployees
       EmployeeID smallint NOT NULL,
       FirstName nvarchar(30) NOT NULL,
       LastName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
       Title nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,
       DeptID smallint NOT NULL,
       ManagerID int NULL,
      -- Populate the table with values.
      INSERT INTO dbo.MyEmployees VALUES
      (1, N'Ken', N'Sánchez', N'Chief Executive Officer',16,NULL)
      ,(273, N'Brian', N'Welcker', N'Vice President of Sales',3,1)
      ,(274, N'Stephen', N'Jiang', N'North American Sales Manager',3,273)
      ,(275, N'Michael', N'Blythe', N'Sales Representative',3,274)
      ,(276, N'Linda', N'Mitchell', N'Sales Representative',3,274)
      ,(285, N'Syed', N'Abbas', N'Pacific Sales Manager',3,273)
      ,(286, N'Lynn', N'Tsoflias', N'Sales Representative',3,285)
      ,(16, N'David',N'Bradley', N'Marketing Manager', 4, 273)
      ,(23, N'Mary', N'Gibson', N'Marketing Specialist', 4, 16);

    select * from MyEmployees
    WITH DirectReports (ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, DeptID, Level)
      -- Anchor member definition
       SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, e.Title, e.DeptID,--edh.DepartmentID,
        0 AS Level
       FROM dbo.MyEmployees AS e
       --INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS edh
       --  ON e.EmployeeID = edh.BusinessEntityID AND edh.EndDate IS NULL
       WHERE ManagerID IS NULL
       UNION ALL
      -- Recursive member definition
       SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, e.Title, e.DeptID,--edh.DepartmentID,
        Level + 1
       FROM dbo.MyEmployees AS e
       --INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS edh
       --  ON e.EmployeeID = edh.BusinessEntityID AND edh.EndDate IS NULL
       INNER JOIN DirectReports AS d
        ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID
      -- Statement that executes the CTE
      SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, DeptID, Level
      FROM DirectReports
      --INNER JOIN HumanResources.Department AS dp
      --  ON DirectReports.DeptID = dp.DepartmentID
      --WHERE -- dp.GroupName = N'Sales and Marketing' OR
        --Level = 1;

     I can find the level, but I want to fill a user class with his immediate boss and all up level Managers who can update his profile:

    with EMP (Id, FirstName, LastName, IsActive, ApprovingAuthorityId, Level) as
    select e.Id, FirstName, LastName, IsActive, ApprovingAuthorityId, 0 as level from Attendance.Employees e inner join Attendance.ApprovingAuthorities a on a.EmployeeId = e.Id
    where a.ApprovingAuthorityId = 0
    select e.Id, e.FirstName, e.LastName, e.IsActive, e.ApprovingAuthorityId, Level+1 from
    (select e.Id, FirstName, LastName, IsActive, ApprovingAuthorityId from Attendance.Employees e inner join Attendance.ApprovingAuthorities a on a.EmployeeId = e.Id) as e
    inner join EMP ct on ct.Id = e.ApprovingAuthorityId
    select c.Id, c.FirstName, c.LastName, c.IsActive, ApprovingAuthorityId, e.FirstName + ' ' + e.LastName Manager, Level from EMP c inner join Attendance.Employees e on e.Id = c.ApprovingAuthorityId
    order by Level

    I also want a list to fill all emp Ids to which a user can Manager (those employees who lies under current logged in user). Lets say a employee login to website, I want to know this user's immediate manager, all up level managers and those employees list to which current employee can manager.

  • The code below might help get the list of up level managers. I'm not sure how to easily get the list of employees each person manages...

    WITH DirectReports (ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, DeptID, Level, ManagerList)
    -- Anchor member definition
      SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, e.Title, e.DeptID,
      0 AS Level, TRY_CAST('Self' AS NVARCHAR(500)) AS ManagerList
      FROM dbo.MyEmployees AS e
      WHERE ManagerID IS NULL
    -- Recursive member definition
      SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, e.Title, e.DeptID,
      Level + 1, TRY_CAST(CONCAT(d.Title, ', ', d.ManagerList) AS NVARCHAR(500)) AS ManagerList
      FROM dbo.MyEmployees AS e
      INNER JOIN DirectReports AS d
      ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID
    -- Statement that executes the CTE
    SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, DeptID, Level, ManagerList
    FROM DirectReports

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