Convert VBA to SQL Stored Procedure

  • Hi all,
    I have been working with some VBA code to determine the percentage difference between two strings. The Following works well in Access and works correctly, however, in Access it's very slow., e.g. "ABCDE", "ABDCE" is around 80% match. Note: this is not my code, but found looking about the net.  seems to work well. So I was considering using a stored procedure in SQL server to perform a similar function.  Would there be some genius out there who could offer an idea about how to make this work in an SQL SP?  Or event better in a view that returns a result set.

    I was following an idea on Fuzzy matching, but found that Levenshtein distance algorithm did not produce accurate results.

    Public Function SimilTest()
    'Purpose: Attempts to match two strings and determine the percentage match between them.
    'Will detail an approximate match for a non matching client to an existing client
    Dim strNametoTest As String
    Dim rsClientTable As DAO.Recordset
    Dim inReturnValue As Double
    Dim iPercentReturn As Double
       'inReturnValue = Round(Simil(LCase(strClientname), LCase(rsClientTable![Client Name])), 2) * 100
       inReturnValue = Simil("ABCDE", "ABDCE") * 100
       If inReturnValue > 50 Then
        Debug.Print inReturnValue & "%"
       End If
       SimilTest = CStr(inReturnValue)
    End Function
    Public Function Simil(strTxt1 As String, strTxt2 As String) As Double
    'Purpose: Determine match percentage between two strings.
    'Result: Between 0 (no match) and 1 (identical)
    Dim intTot As Integer
    Dim strMatch As String
      intTot = Len(strTxt1 & strTxt2) 'len(strtxt1) + len(strtxt2) 'Which is faster?
      strMatch = GetBiggest(strTxt1, strTxt2)
      Simil = CDbl(Len(strMatch) * 2) / CDbl(intTot)
    End Function

    Public Function GetBiggest(strTxt1 As String, strTxt2 As String) As String
    Dim intLang  As Integer
    Dim intKort  As Integer
    Dim intPos  As Integer
    Dim intX   As Integer
    Dim strLangste As String
    Dim strSearch As String
    Dim strLang  As String
    Dim strKort  As String
    Dim strTotal1 As String
    Dim strTotal2 As String
      intKort = Len(strTxt1)
      intLang = Len(strTxt2)
      If intLang > intKort Then
       strLang = strTxt2
       strKort = strTxt1
      ElseIf intKort = 0 Or intLang = 0 Then
       Exit Function
       strLang = strTxt1
       strKort = strTxt2
       intX = intKort
       intKort = intLang
       intLang = intX
      End If
      For intPos = 1 To intKort 'Compare string based on the shortest.
       intX = 0
        intX = intX + 1
        strSearch = Mid$(strKort, intPos, intX) 'Determine part of string to search for
        If Len(strSearch) <> intX Then
          Exit Do 'end of string
        End If
       Loop While InStr(1, strLang, strSearch) > 0 'Part of string found in other string, increase size of partstring and try again.
       intX = intX - 1
       If intX > Len(strLangste) Then 'Longest substring found
        strLangste = Mid$(strKort, intPos, intX)
       End If
       If intX = 0 Then intX = 1
       intPos = intPos + intX - 1
      Next intPos

      If Len(strLangste) = 0 Then
       GetBiggest = "" 'No matching substring found
      Else 'Substring match found.
       'Split substring in left and right part.
       strTotal1 = Replace(strTxt1, strLangste, "|")
       strTotal2 = Replace(strTxt2, strLangste, "|")
       'Recursive part: Try again and paste result to returnvalue.
       GetBiggest = strLangste & _
            GetBiggest(CStr(Split(strTotal1, "|")(0)), CStr(Split(strTotal2, "|")(0))) & _
            GetBiggest(CStr(Split(strTotal1, "|")(1)), CStr(Split(strTotal2, "|")(1)))
      End If
    End Function

    Am a total noob in SQL stored procedures, but have a general idea.

    any assistance valuable - Cheers!

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