Numeric arithmetic causes truncation.

  • I like to say I know enough VB to be dangerous, and I'm tired of taking a shot in the dark on this.

    I'm getting this error in a VB Script in my SSIS package "Numeric arithmetic causes truncation."  

    Here is the other error info:
    at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.ConvertToPrecScale(SqlDecimal n, Int32 precision, Int32 scale)
     at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.PipelineBuffer.SetDecimal(Int32 columnIndex, Decimal value)
     at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.PipelineBuffer.set_Item(Int32 columnIndex, Object value)
     at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptBuffer.set_Item(Int32 ColumnIndex, Object value)
     at ScriptComponent_0fe48cc5de8b4affb69109a43e348d11.vbproj.ScriptMain.SetPrevYear(Input0Buffer row)
     at ScriptComponent_0fe48cc5de8b4affb69109a43e348d11.vbproj.ScriptMain.Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)
     at ScriptComponent_0fe48cc5de8b4affb69109a43e348d11.vbproj.UserComponent.Input0_ProcessInput(Input0Buffer Buffer)
     at ScriptComponent_0fe48cc5de8b4affb69109a43e348d11.vbproj.UserComponent.ProcessInput(Int32 InputID, PipelineBuffer Buffer)
     at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.ProcessInput(Int32 inputID, PipelineBuffer buffer)

    Here is the section of VB that it is erring in:  

    Public Sub SetPrevYear(ByVal row As Input0Buffer)
       reserveAdjustment = 0
       row.CTDOSRSRVAM = row.CTDOSRSRVAM + row.CurrCaseResv
       row.CTDPAIDAM = row.CTDPAIDAM + row.CtdNetPd
       row.AlaeCtdPaidAm = row.AlaeCtdPaidAm + row.CtdNetExp
       ultLossAmt = row.ULTINCLOSSAM
       AlaeUltLossAm = row.AlaeUltIncLossAm
       ctdReserve = row.CTDOSRSRVAM
       ctdPaid = row.CTDPAIDAM
       AlaeCtdPaid = row.CtdNetExp
       outstandingIbnr = row.OSIBNRAM
       Allocation = 0
       adtvPercent = row.ADTVFC
       ultIbnrPercent = row.ULTIBNRPC
       ultAdtvPercent = row.ULTADTVPC
       reserveAdjustment = Math.Round(ultLossAmt - ctdReserve - ctdPaid, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)
       Allocation = (reserveAdjustment - outstandingIbnr)

       If reserveAdjustment <> 0 Then
        testult = Fix((outstandingIbnr * 100) / reserveAdjustment) 'added Fix
        If testult > 999.9 Or testult < -999.9 Then
          ultIbnrPercent = CDec(999.9)          'added CDec
          ultAdtvPercent = CDec(999.9)          'added CDec
          ultIbnrPercent = Fix(testult * 10) / 10
          ultAdtvPercent = CDec(100.0 - ultIbnrPercent)    'added CDec
        End If
       End If

       If ctdReserve = 0 Then
        adtvPercent = 0
        Allocation = 0

        If Math.Round((Allocation / ctdReserve), 6, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) > 9.999999 Then  'added round
          adtvPercent = CDec(9.999999)           'added CDec
          Allocation = Fix(adtvPercent * ctdReserve * 100) / 100
          If Math.Round((Allocation / ctdReserve), 6, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) < -9.999999 Then 'added round
           adtvPercent = CDec(-9.999999)         'added CDec
           Allocation = Fix(adtvPercent * ctdReserve * 100) / 100
           adtvPercent = Fix(Allocation / ctdReserve * 1000000) / 1000000
          End If
        End If
       End If

       If Allocation < 0 Then
        ultIbnrPercent = 0
        ultAdtvPercent = 0
       End If

       If adtvPercent = 0 Then
        Allocation = 0
       End If

       row.RSRVADJAM = CDec(reserveAdjustment)
       row.ADTVALLOCATIONAM = CDec(Allocation)
       row.ULTADTVPC = CDec(ultAdtvPercent)
       row.ULTIBNRPC = CDec(ultIbnrPercent)
       row.ADTVFC = CDec(adtvPercent)
       row.AlaeRsrvAdjAm = row.AlaeUltIncLossAm - row.AlaeCtdPaidAm

       If ctdReserve = 0 Then
        row.AlaeAdtvFc = 0
        row.AlaeAdtvAllocationAm = 0
       ElseIf (row.AlaeUltIncLossAm - row.AlaeCtdPaidAm - row.AlaeIbnrReserveAm) / row.CTDOSRSRVAM > 9.99 Then
        row.AlaeAdtvFc = CDec(9.999999)
        row.AlaeAdtvAllocationAm = Fix(row.AlaeAdtvFc * row.CTDOSRSRVAM * 100) / 100
       ElseIf (row.AlaeUltIncLossAm - row.AlaeCtdPaidAm - row.AlaeIbnrReserveAm) / row.CTDOSRSRVAM < -9.99 Then
        row.AlaeAdtvFc = CDec(-9.999999)
        row.AlaeAdtvAllocationAm = Fix(row.AlaeAdtvFc * row.CTDOSRSRVAM * 100) / 100

        row.AlaeAdtvFc = Fix((row.AlaeUltIncLossAm - row.AlaeCtdPaidAm - row.AlaeIbnrReserveAm) / row.CTDOSRSRVAM) 'added Fix
        row.AlaeAdtvAllocationAm = row.AlaeUltIncLossAm - row.AlaeCtdPaidAm - row.AlaeIbnrReserveAm
       End If

      End Sub

    I've noted the things I've tried with the 'added  comment.

    I totaled the input data and CurrCaseResv is just over $200,000,000.  CtdNetPd is $2,800,000,000 and CtdNetExp is also just over $200,000,000.  This same process ran with the same data earlier this month in production, not sure why it would be erring when I'm trying to test it.  I didn't change anything in this script, before getting the error.

    Any help you can give to identify what piece of the code is causing the issue would be appreciated.

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