DAX YTD, QTD and MTD calculations

  • Hello
    I am trying to calculate the above functions on a fairly simple Azure Hosted Analysis Services Model.
    I have a measure Quotes[QuotesCount] defined as QuotesCount:=COUNT(Quotes[QuoteID])
    This correctly returns a figure in the millions
    I have a date table called CalendarDate with a unique PK column called PKData
    I then have a measure called  called BudgetYTD:=CALCULATE(Quotes[QuotesCount], DATESYTD(CalendarDate[PKDate]))
    This does return a number. However, both
    BudgetQTD:=CALCULATE(Quotes[QuotesCount], DATESQTD(CalendarDate[PKDate]))

    BudgetMTD:=CALCULATE(Quotes[QuotesCount], DATESMTD(CalendarDate[PKDate]))
    both return (blank)
    I have also Tried TOTALYTD, TOTALQTD and TOTALMTD with the same results.

    I am using the latest version of VS 2017, (I know it is the latest, it has crashed on me 3 times today!) and I am using an integrated workspace.

    Anyone seeing this at the moment?  Am I doing something dumb?


    "I don't know what I don't know."

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