SQL server profiler 2014 not showing text data in the bottom pane.

  • I have my sql server profiler 2014 setup. I am able to run the profiler successfully. I am able to see the queries in the top pane.
    When I select one or more rows in the profiler top pane, nothing is being shown in the bottom pane. I have worked on SQL server 2008 and it used to work fine. I am not sure if this is a issue with SQL server 2014 or I am missing some kind of setup step which will allow selecting the query in the bottom pane. For every query I have to select that row copy it and paste it in a notepad and remove unnecessary code to get the textdata column values which is becoming a big pain. Can anyone suggest me what am I missing.

  • Hi,
    this would be easier with the extended events.
    If you use the SSMS 2017.x, there are 2 extended event sessions under XEvent Profiler.
    With this 2 sessions you are able to extract your t-sql script.

    If  can't use a SSMS 17.x, I am not sure if this is an bug.
    Kind regards,

  • Hi Andreas,
    Thank you for your reply. I don't have Sql server 2017 and I am not sure whether I can upgrade to 2017. So I am currently looking to solve the issue I have in my SQL Profiler 2014.

  • rajeshrachapalle - Thursday, September 27, 2018 11:21 AM

    Hi Andreas,
    Thank you for your reply. I don't have Sql server 2017 and I am not sure whether I can upgrade to 2017. So I am currently looking to solve the issue I have in my SQL Profiler 2014.

    What is the "extra code" you keep having to remove from the text data column? Do you have an example you can post?


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